Advanced Materials on Lifescience

Magnetic bead
AMO-Mag is a functionalized magnetic particle, which is the optimum product to upgrade the results of research & diagnosis. AMO-Mag® products are useful for cell isolation and immunoassay, and our customers are using AMO-mag for RNA extraction for COVID 19 diagnosis at this time.

Cell Culture
The Cell Culture Division utilizes nanotechnology and biomimetic technology to realize ‘in vivo’-like cell culture microenvironment of the human body, and thereby AMO WebTrixTM products promote the in vitro culture of stem cells and immune cells for therapeutic purposes.

Healthcare & Beauty
We provide a one-stop solution from development, production to certification of customizing devices through the fusion of new materials and IT technology. It can be implemented for health and beauty care, in various form factors such as cosmetics, handheld & wearable device and smart textile.